Freebird Industries.

Giving back freedom to men who have been incarcerated,

through self-development, workforce training, and job opportunity.

Founder, Kareem Wright

A native of Harlem, Kareem came to the Berkshires when he was 15 years old. He fell into the streets and ended up completing around thirteen years in Massachusetts State Prison. While behind the wall, Kareem met several men—many of whom were lifers—who guided him through his journey of self-development. There, his dream of starting Freebird Industries began. Freebird would work with men behind the wall on self-development and workforce training. It would contract with jails and prisons to provide work-release programs, and would employ men upon their reentry into the community.

Freebird Industries aims to create a community of men in Berkshire County who are reclaiming their freedom and rebuilding their lives through meaningful internal work, education, workforce development, and employment opportunities. Join us.



Kareem believes it is important to focus on internal work and education before turning to workforce development.

Men will complete a series of classes:


Interrupting the cycle of feeling —> thinking —> doing in order to disrupt harmful patterns of behavior and increase self—awareness.


Work towards completing their high school equivalency exam. If they have their diploma or GED, they will participate in higher-education or specialized tutoring.


Training, Work-Release.

While inside men will participate in


They’ll be trained in landscaping fundamentals, design, construction, professional skills, budgeting and financial literacy, and communication. Training will be supplemented with workshops on resume building and mock interviews.

As they continue their training, they will participate in a—


Freebird will contract with the City of Pittsfield, as well as private businesses, on a series of landscape and construction jobs. Men will continue to train while gaining work experience.



Upon release back into the community, Freebird will hire any men who successfully completed phase one and phase two. Men will continue working on-site, fulfilling contracts with the city and private businesses.

Berkshire County business owners and entrepreneurs will come to speak with Freebird men, forming partnerships throughout the community.

Men will continue to have access to supplemental workshops and education: financial literacy, entrepreneurship, HISET, CBT, and more.

Freebird aims to create a community of men who are reclaiming their freedom.

Through self-development, workforce training, and job opportunity, Freebird works to provide meaningful opportunities for men to rebuild their lives.

Men coming home from jail or prison are often starting from scratch. Many have families to help support. Without meaningful workforce development and job opportunities, their options are limited.

We invite Berkshire County to come together to support Freebird Industries, and support men on their reentry into the community.

Are you a business owner, interested in contracting with Freebird and supporting our mission?

Reach out:

Email Subject line: Freebird Industries

Opportunity. Accountability.

The transition home is tough, especially when you are trying to turn your life around. Without real opportunity and community support, it can be difficult to stay on track. Freebird understands that changing your life requires wrap-around support, mentorship, and tangible opportunity.

Freebird also works to hold men accountable for their choices and transformation. Having been through it, Kareem understands the obstacles of making this transition. He holds men to the highest of standards, keeps them accountable for their choices and actions, and works to maintain a strong team of men focused on moving forward.

Nana always said…

Freebird Industries is dedicated to Kareem’s nana, who always said…

Manners will carry you where money can’t.

You can’t out those streetlights, but they can out you.

A hard head makes a soft behind.

among others…